Collective is a collective of digital accessibility subject matter experts, specializing in the field of education and information and communication technologies (ICT).

We are individual consultants motivated to work together to provide digital accessibility education.

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Principal Educator

Jennifer Curry Jahnke, M.Ed., IAAP CPACC

Photo of Jennifer. A woman with blonde hair wearing black glasses with thick lenses.

Jennifer is an award winning post-secondary educator and academic researcher. She is the creator of Mohawk College’s former Accessible Media Production graduate certificate program and micro-credentials. Jennifer has worked as a faculty member, administrator, and consultant with academic institutions and organizations across Canada for over 15 years. Her experience in higher education includes: Counsellor with Accessible Learning Services, AODA Project Manager, Accessibility Consultant, Faculty and Program Coordinator. Her ability to build industry and academic relationships make her a sought-after accessibility researcher and grant lead.

As a digital accessibility expert, Jennifer is an active member of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act’s (AODA) Education Standard Development Committee, Accessible Canada Act’s Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Standard Development Committee, the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), and the founding coordinator for #a11yHAM meetup group.

Digital Learning & Design Educator

Our Digital Learning & Design Educator works with subject matter experts to ensure their online educational and training content is accessible and engaging. This includes reviewing existing eLearning for remediation, recommending guidance on appropriate instructional design strategies and technologies, and identifying opportunities for enhancement. Accessible eLearning means designing inclusive learning experiences that are relevant and impactful for all learners.

Aiann Oishi

Photo of Aiann. A young woman smiling, she has shoulder length hair and is wearing a purple sweater.Aiann is passionate about creating accessible and meaningful design solutions. She has over a decade of design experience working in communications within the public and non-profit sector. As our Digital Learning & Design Educator, she works with subject matter experts to ensure their online educational and training content is accessible and engaging. In previous roles, Aiann led the design and development of products from annual reports to fundraising campaigns.

Currently, Aiann works in the provincial government as an instructional designer, where she creates eLearning for clients across the public service. She has an interest in evaluating the usability of emerging tools such as gamification and generative AI in online learning.

Aiann holds a Bachelor of Design (York University ’11), a Graduate Certificate in Accessible Media Production (Mohawk College ’18) and a Master of Educational Technology (UBC ’22). She is an active conference presenter and has spoken at the University of Guelph Accessibility Conference and at the Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web & Technology Conference in Denver, Colorado. She is a volunteer with Yonge Street Mission, teaching web design and coding skills at the Computer Literacy Centre.

Document Educator

Our Document Educator ensures that documents can be used in different ways by the widest range of users, not just by persons with disabilities or people who use assistive technology. Documents may be created using a variety of software, such as Microsoft (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.), Google (Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc.), Adobe (PDF), Foxit (PDF), InDesign, etc. Accessible documents are well designed and well written – including writing using plain and inclusive language.

Karen McCall, M.Ed

Photo of Karen. A woman with short, curly hair. She is wearing glasses.Karen is the owner of Karlen Communications. With over 22 years experience, Karen provides strategic planning, consulting and education on accessible content design/creation and inclusive education. Karen has been an advocate for a global inclusive education standard since 2009.

Her experience as an international leader in accessible content design includes participation in the following committees: ISO 32000 (PDF), ISO 14289 (PDF/Universal Access), International Association for Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) Accessible Document Specialist (ADS) Credential, Technical Standards Committee for Plain Language and Technical Standards Committee for ICT, both part of the Accessible Canada Act.

Her book “Accessible and Usable PDF: Techniques for Document Authors” was first published in 2005, with the fourth edition published in 2017. She has written books on accessible Word and PowerPoint content, and how to use Microsoft Office applications from the keyboard. She has been a Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services since 2009, and a Microsoft Accessibility MVP since the category was created in 2014. Karen conducts research on how those with disabilities access digital content.

Media Educator

Our Media Educator works with video content creators to design and develop videos that are usable across the widest range of individuals of varying abilities. Accessible media is media that has been designed to include closed/open captioning, sign language, audio description (AD)/described video (DV), integrated AD/DV, regular transcripts and descriptive transcripts. Live AD/DV includes live events and educational environments that are face-to-face, virtual, hybrid, and synchronous or asynchronous.

Joanne Henry, MSc., MBA

Photo of Joanne. A woman with blonde hair, smiling at the camera.Joanne is the Founder of Lakeshore Media Services. A leading specialist in described video and media accessibility. Over the past 15 years, Joanne has led the creation and production of more than 15,000 hours of DV.

Joanne is a strong proponent of innovation who works closely with industry professionals to promote accessibility and inclusion. She contributed to the development of the Best Practices Guidelines for Postproduction and Live DV (Audio Description) in association with Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) and the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB). Joanne was part of the former Accessible Media Production program at Mohawk College, where she taught DV.

Organizational Change Educator

Our Organizational Change Educator works with academic institutions and organizations through the process of becoming accessible. This may include shifting the institutional mindset and culture, altering a major component of the organizational framework or technologies, to developing new processes to improve operations and meet new challenges.

Pina D’Intino, M.ID., PMI, IAAP (CPACC)

Photo of Pina. A smiling woman with wavy brown hair.Giuseppina (Pina) D’Intino is the owner of Aequum Global Access Inc., where she is a sought-out international accessibility speaker and entrepreneur. Pina has over 30 years of experience working with large organizations, municipalities, provincial and federal government, financial institutions and more, where she turns their accessibility visions into reality.

Pina is a strong advocate for disability rights and inclusion. She serves as a Special Advisor to Minister Carla Qualtrough on the development of a Canadian Business Disability and Inclusion Network. Pina is the co-chair of the Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN), the Canadian representative for the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs G3 – Smart City, a member of the AODA’s Information and Communication Standards and Employment Standards Committees, and an active member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.

Teaching & Learning Educator

Our Teaching & Learning Educator works with administration, academic departments, faculty, and staff to support the development, delivery, and advancement of inclusive and accessible curriculum and experiences. This includes, preparing course outlines and assessment structures, creating learning activities and assignments, designing inclusive learning environments, planning flexible learning for exceptional circumstances, selecting appropriate educational technology, exploring class engagement strategies, and supporting inclusive and accessible scholarship of teaching and learning.

Web Educator

Our Web Educator focuses on removing barriers in the digital learning environment. Starting with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and incorporating usability and humanizing learning strategies to ensure all digital environments are accessible for all students and staff. This includes education to support the accessibility and compliance of our public facing websites, internal applications, learning management systems, etc.

Sandi Gauder

Photo of Sandi. A woman with long silver hair wearing glasses is smiling at the camera.As a web accessibility specialist, Sandi has been developing modern, accessible websites for over 15 years. She also coaches designers, developers, and content producers on best practices for meeting web accessibility guidelines.

She has led workshops for businesses, municipalities and web development firms on web accessibility and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). She has spoken at conferences and has appeared as a web accessibility expert in webinars.  Sandi developed the curriculum and taught Web Content and Social Media Accessibility at Mohawk College as part of the former Accessible Media Production Graduate Certificate program. Management and technical audiences welcome her clear, common-sense approach.

Colour school of fish.